Rabu, 22 September 2010

Hit Me Baby, Two Million Times!

Dan's Media Digest has just sailed past 2,000,000 page hits! Amazingly, DMD celebrated smashing the 1,000,000 barrier only last October, so that means the blog's done in one year what previously took three! I wonder if Twitter has been instrumental in the surge of new visitors...

Whatever the reason for the boost in traffic, I'm humbled and grateful that more people continue to find this corner of the blogosphere, and (most importantly) revisit and leave intelligent comments. I don't get much time to heavily promote DMD online, instead relying on word-of-mouth and incoming links from other blogs, sites, and Twitter feeds. So thank you if you've done your bit to recommend DMD to people, or have ever linked here.

Your input and support helps keep me engaged with the blog, and keeps me focused in the struggle to keep DMD going while juggling other concerns. Unlike many of my peers, I'm only able to blog so much because I have a fulltime job that's relaxed enough to let me fill some spare time with blogging. God knows what'll happen if I change jobs!

So thanks again if you've ever visited DMD and helped spread the good word. I wonder where we'll be in September 2011...

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