Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Poll: What was the best TV treat for Christmas 2010?

British TV culture is clever enough to realize that most people are at home over the Christmas period (sometimes for a whole fortnight, given the school holidays), and subsequently demand brand new TV entertainment because it's cold outside and the shops are closed. I give up trying to understand why other countries don't bother and just give their populations repeats and movies. Maybe foreigners just have less time off work, or their TV industries want a break, too.

But which of this year's seasonal treats did you enjoy the most? Below is a list of the most prominent shows created specifically for Christmas/New Year. Just select the THREE you most enjoyed. You can also add your own, if you think I've missed something crucial.

While I understand a few of these TV show may have been seen by foreign audiences (like Doctor Who and Top Gear), it's perhaps only fair to vote if you're British and had the opportunity to see these on broadcast television.

The poll will close on Friday 7 January @5pm (GMT). The results will be revealed that weekend.

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