Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Jump the Blast #5 - 'The Green Hornet'


A timely addition to this ongoing meme, as THE GREEN HORNET is released nationwide across the US and UK today. The above screengrab comes from the film's trailer -- during a scene when the villain, Chudnofsky (Inglourious Basterd's Christoph Waltz), detonates a bomb behind him. Sorry I can't be any clearer, and I have no intention of watching this movie anytime soon. Still, Waltz, flanked by two burly henchmen, does movie villains proud with his refusal to grimace at the fact his back's taking more heat than a grilled beefburger.

Have you noticed a shot in a film, trailer, advert, or TV show that features someone jumping/walking away from an explosion of some kind? If so, why not email me a screengrab and you can be credited in the next installment of "Jump the Blast".

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