Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

State of the Blog: lazy summer

We're still in a period of relative idleness, although I try to ensure there's at least one new post every day. How's it going? I must admit that I've been less proactive this summer with DMD—partly because I'm interested to see if less activity leads inescapably to fewer page-hits, or if the blog can sustain itself thanks to a five-year archive and daily visits from regulars. (If that's you, a special thank you for your loyalty.)

So far, it's been reasonable—although I do worry when popular reviews don't attract much comment some weeks. True Blood and Breaking Bad are particularly guilty of that oddity. Maybe that's what happens when I cover summer shows that are only airing in the US, as Torchwood's been far more popular here thanks to the Anglo-American audience. Is that fair to say? Interestingly, my stats have shown an appetite for UK-made shows over the summer—with one-off posts on Dynamo: Magician Impossible, Trollied and Beaver Falls being surprisingly popular. I guess that's because there are limited online sources for news/reviews about UK shows like that, compared to the US goliaths I cover... where you're almost a yapping poodle compared to the barking St Bernard's of Hitfix or whoever else.

Looking to the near-future: Torchwood, Breaking Bad and True Blood reviews will continue into September, I'll be reviewing Strike Back's return (for as long as seems worthwhile), the always very popular Doctor Who is returning on 27 August, and I may do a few posts on Big Brother 12 and X Factor (given their significant changes this year). The rest is just a case of waiting for all the new/returning US shows to premiere in September/October, and I'm sure the UK will have a few treats in its autumn lineup. You can consult my TV Calendar for more information, which is updated whenever I hear about new premiere dates.

As always, use the comments below to discuss anything you want relating to pop-culture, or ask me a question. I'd again be interested to hear your thoughts about this summer's blogging output. Are you in agreement with the less-is-more school of thinking, especially when TV's half-dormant between June and September, or do you prefer it when DMD's churning out content? But if so, does that content always have to be time-consuming reviews, or do you like it when simpler things like polls, videos, talking points, trailers, and news are posted? Maybe you enjoyed my recent Harry Potter 7b review and would like to see more film/DVD reviews? Or do you appreciate the occasional "batch-review", which I used recently to cover Twilight Zone?

Ultimately, I can only do what's humanly possible—given the fact I have a full-time job and don't get paid for blogging here—but I'm always interested to hear what readers want, expect, like, dislike, or are ambivalent about.

Over to you!

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