Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Dare to re-enter 'The Twilight Zone'?

This month's release of The Twilight Zone's first two seasons on high-def Blu-ray has given me a hankering to review this estimable '50s classic. My current thinking is to cover the first season's thirty-six episodes in six groups of six. (The fact there are three sixes in that sentence is a good sign, considering we're talking about Rod Sterling's classic...)

Each episode's review will only be approx 200-words long, meaning each of the six reviews will be a manageable 1200-words. The only drain will be on my viewing time--finding the hours to watch multiple episodes every week, ideally. But I think that's just about manageable, now a few TV shows are reaching their end. And if it proves too time-consuming, or the response isn't great after the first batch-review is released, I don't have to continue past those first half-dozen episodes...

What's your feeling on this little endeavour? Is anyone willing to buy/rent The Twilight Zone (ideally in its luscious new Blu-ray format) and watch along with me, to help grease the wheels of the comments? As always, your thoughts are welcome and appreciated.

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