Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Christmas & New Year Break

As is customary, my output will be restricted over the Christmas and New Year period. Specifically, 21 December - 1 January. This is unlikely to mean a total absence of new content, as there are festive specials I'm likely to review. I may also drop in for some random festive posts, and my New Year TV Picks will kickoff next week, but don't expect 100% normality until January. But, equally, don't expect a blackout.

Incidentally, there's also DMD's revamp to look forward to, as I hope "DMD3" will launch on New Year's Day. This isn't a promise, as it may be delayed by a few weeks, but that's my hope. It may launch in an incomplete form, and then evolve/improve once it's up and running. Otherwise I could wait weeks for every little kink to be ironed out.

If anyone's interested in helping me troubleshoot the existing template, send me an email and I'll select a small "beta-testing group" of trusted regulars to get an early look this week.

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