Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Bubba in True Blood?

Here's a crazy possibility for the True Blood universe. Speaking at the San Diego Comic-Con, showrunner Alan Ball mentioned his reticence to bring the character of Bubba into the TV series. For those who don't read the source novels by Charlaine Harris (myself included), Bubba is Elvis Presley, who was transformed into a vampire by a morgue attendant. However, the process wasn't entirely successful because of drugs in Presley's system, so Bubba (don't call him Elvis!) is now somewhat braindamaged.

I can understand Ball's reluctance to use that character (it could be a disaster if handled badly), but one fan attending the True Blood panel apparently shouted out Bruce Campbell's name as someone who could pull it off -- to which Ball smiled and replied "Bruce Campbell, huh?"

Campbell appeared as an aged Elvis in the cult movie Bubba Ho-Tep from 2002, giving a performance that earned a lot of praise.

Is it possible Alan Ball will reconsider the possibility of involving Bubba and sign up geek-favourite Bruce Campbell? Who knows. I haven't read the books, so I just can't envisage a braindamaged vampire Elvis working in True Blood. It could be a shark-jumping moment of epic proportions, right? But, at the same time, Bruce Campbell as a fanged Elvis in Bon Temps -- wearing the iconic white jumpsuit perhaps?! I'd love to see that. Would you?

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